Training Workshop, From 22nd to 25th October, 2018, Malta
In the framework of the QuietMED project two Training Workshops were organised in Malta between 22nd and 25th October with all project partners to share best practices and to build skills on underwater marine noise monitoring in the Mediterranean Sea Region. The QuietMED consortium includes: CTN (Coordinator), IEO and UPV from Spain, SHOM from France, ISPRA from Italy, IZVRS from Slovenia, IOF from Croatia, University of Malta from Malta, FORTH from Greece and ACCOBAMS which is responsible for coordinating cetacean conservation in the region.
On the morning of the first day, we organised the Technical Meeting of the project. The day concluded with Training Workshop 1 with experts from National Research Institutes of non-EU countries about underwater noise monitoring. The workshop aimed at addressing practical aspects related to the implementation of a regional monitoring programme for underwater noise.
On the 23rd, some partners shared their feedback from the QuiteMED pilot projects, for instance the University of Malta presented the results of their pilot project. In the afternoon, we organised a Practical Training course where the Marine Technology Centre, as Coordinator of the project, showed the participants the advantages of using the joint register of impulsive underwater noise in the Mediterranean Sea Region.
Visit the section “Map” and play!: Impulsive Noise Register in the Mediterranean Sea Region
The Training Workshop 2 took place the next day with the participation of national representatives from non-EU countries involved in the Ecap Process. The goal of the session was to inform decision-makers on the needs and tools for underwater noise monitoring, including how to register underwater noise data. All participants partook on this practical session that contributed to identify common grounds and differences in the field of underwater noise in their respective countries as well as to find key stakeholders in the region.
The Workshops organised in Malta also sought to increase coordination with non-EU countries such us Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Lebanon, Israel and Montenegro.

IDEM meeting, From 5th to 7th September, 2018, Valletta, Malta
From 5th to 7th of September the quietmed project participated in the IDEM “Implementation of the MSFD to the Deep Mediterranean Sea” project meeting celebrated in Valleta, Malta. This time was Fabrizio Borsani of ISPRA, Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research, who represented all the quietmed project partners at the event.
The aim of the workshop “First assessment of the deep Mediterranean environmental status” was to approach the cooperation between the projects funded in the same call. From the quietmed project showed the results reached until now and we had the opportunity to share experiences with the other participants.

MEDCIS meeting, 21st February, 2018, Athens
The quietMED project´s coordinator attended the meeting organized by MEDCIS in Athens to present all the advances and first results of the project.
This meeting brought together the people in charge of the projects financed by the European Commission for the development of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and the representatives of the competent national authorities in the matter with the purpose of strengthening the relationship between the results of the projects and the obligations of the member states.
The quietMED project´s coordinator explained the progress of the GIS tool developed by Marine Technology Centre (CTN) to create the joint register of impulsive underwater noise in the Mediterranean Sea Region, which will be one of the most outstanding results of the project. It is a very useful tool that provides important data such as the place where these noises are produced, the activities that generate them, etc.
Play the joint register here

TG Noise meeting, 8th November, 2017, Madrid
The Ministry of Agriculture and Environment hosted the meeting of the TG Noise, working group of the European Commission, expert in submarine noise, at the SEPI Foundation headquarters, at the Los Peñascales Campus.
The TG Noise meeting ran from November 8 to November 10, and discussed the environmental impact assessment of underwater noise based on the data collected in the impulsive noise record and continuous noise measurements.
Several QuietMED Project partners are part of the TG Noise.

MEDCIS Kick off meeting, 5th April, 2017, Rome
quietMED project´s coordinator attended the Support Mediterranean Member States towards coherent and
Coordinated Implementation of the second phase of the MSFD (MEDCIS) Kick Off and Activities Meeting that took place in Rome on April 7th.
The aim of MEDCIS project is to promote the collaboration among iniciatives in the same field. In this meeting QUIETMED, INDICT, JMP EUNOSAT, MISTIC SEAS and IDEM, were presented to try to identify commonalities and common topics of research.

quietMED Kick off meeting, 7th March, 2017, Brussels
All the partners of the quietMED project met in Brussels on March 7th 2017 to celebrate the first encounter about the project. The meeting was held in the Committee of the Regions.
To this meeting attended members representatives from Spain, France, Italy, Slovenia, Malta, Croatia and Greece who had the oportunity of meet each other for the first time.
In this first meeting was presented the objectives, the work plan and issues related with the general organization of the project.
After this first step, quietMED is already running.